Good storytelling is one of the supreme disciplines of content marketing. The following 10 storytelling examples from all over the world show what is important.
What do all the good storytelling examples ultimately have in common? Basically the following patterns can be identified:
The stories seem authentic and not staged. Not self-centred advertising is shown, but real life. The brand itself does not take the main role, but leaves it up to the consumer, for example.
- The stories have an arc of tension and address the viewer emotionally
- After watching the film you have a “good feeling” and you do not have the impression that you have wasted your time
- There is always a protagonist with whom the viewer can identify and with whom he feels sympathy
- Every story always starts with a challenge, a conflict or something moving to do
- Technique and video editing are highly professional and yet manage to keep the overall perception authentic
- At the end of the stories, the viewer associates a very specific feeling with the brand. (e.g. Guiness > cohesion, Redbull > adventure, etc.)
- The stories have viral power and are worth telling.
And now curtain up for 10 excellent storytelling examples: