
Finding Employees – 30+ Effective Ideas to Attract New Talent

Mitarbeiter finden? Mit diesen 30+ Ideen gewinnst du Bewerber für deine Firma

Finding qualified and motivated employees is often a challenge today. That’s why it’s even more important to be creative and explore new paths. In this article, we present you with numerous ideas on how to successfully find and attract new employees for your company.

Utilizing Online Presence and Digital Channels to Find Employees

Social Media

Today, social media is one of the most effective ways to find employees. Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter give you the opportunity to showcase your open positions to a wide audience. But it’s not just about job postings – share content that reflects your company culture. Through authentic employee storytelling, you can inspire potential applicants. Let your employees share their stories to build trust with prospective candidates.

Additionally, you can run targeted ads on social media. With precise audience targeting, you can ensure your ads reach the right people – thus finding qualified employees.

Optimize Your Career Page

Your career page is often the first point of contact for potential applicants. It should be attractively designed, easy to navigate, and most importantly, provide a simple application process. Use visual content like images and videos to show what it’s like to work at your company. Clearly explain your values and company mission – this way, applicants can form a good impression and make decisions more easily.

Job Boards

Utilize major job boards like StepStone, Monster, and Indeed to post your job advertisements. These platforms give you access to a large number of potential candidates. Ensure that your job posting is clearly worded and attractively designed. It should include all relevant information and clearly state the requirements for applicants. Meaningful job titles and precise descriptions are important to attract the right target audience.

Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

Search engine advertising, such as Google Ads or Bing Ads, can help you reach potential candidates exactly where they are looking for jobs – namely in search engines. Through targeted campaigns, you can ensure that your job postings appear on the first page for relevant search queries. Use specific keywords like “Job in [Industry]” or “Positions [Job Title]” to maximize visibility and find qualified employees. Professional agencies like can assist you with recruiting campaigns in search engines.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

In addition to paid advertising, organic search engine optimization plays a crucial role. Your career page and job postings should be optimized for relevant search terms like “Jobs in [City]” or “[Position] Career.” Through strategic SEO, you can ensure that potential candidates find you without having to pay for each click. A well-maintained blog or regularly updated content on your website can also increase your visibility in search engines and help you find employees in the long term. If you need support with SEO, an agency like can help.

Activating Personal Contacts and Networks

Employee Referrals

Your existing employees can often help you find new hires. Implement a referral program where employees are rewarded for successful referrals. Employees understand the company culture and often know who would fit well into the team. A simple call to share open positions within their network can already have a significant impact.

Networking Events

Networking remains one of the best methods for finding employees. Attend industry meetups, conferences, and job fairs to directly connect with potential candidates. Personal interaction at such events builds trust and gives applicants a sense of your company.

Collaboration with Educational Institutions

Collaborating with schools, universities, and technical colleges is also an excellent way to attract fresh talent right after graduation. Offer internships or trainee programs to engage young professionals early on.

Headhunting and Targeted Approaches

Sometimes, it’s not enough to wait passively for applications. Targeted headhunting is particularly effective when searching for specialists. Platforms like LinkedIn allow you to actively reach out to potential candidates and contact them directly. Alternatively, you can also hire an experienced headhunter.

Open House Day

An open house day gives potential applicants the chance to gain direct insight into your company. They can meet the team and experience the work culture in person, making initial contacts. This builds trust and lowers potential barriers to applying. Such a day also gives you the opportunity to present your company in a relaxed and authentic way, actively finding new employees.

Finding Employees Through an Attractive Company Culture

Employer Branding

A strong employer brand helps you not only find employees but also retain them long-term. Use platforms like Kununu to showcase authentic reviews from your employees. Authenticity is crucial here – show both the positive and challenging aspects of your company. Finding employees becomes easier when you maintain open and transparent communication.

Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

More and more employees value a good work-life balance. Offer flexible working hours, remote work options, or additional vacation days to make your company more attractive. The concept of workations is also becoming increasingly popular – employees can work from a location of their choice for a certain period, combining work and travel. Flexibility is a crucial factor for many candidates and can make a difference when trying to find employees. Avoid awkward mentions of things like the fruit basket in job ads.

Employee Benefits

Additionally, you can stand out by offering employee perks like gym memberships, subsidies for public transportation, or other valuable benefits. These perks enhance your company’s attractiveness and differentiate you from the competition.

Employee Events and Team Building

Regular employee events such as summer parties, Christmas celebrations, or team-building activities create a positive work atmosphere. These events not only strengthen team spirit but also make your company more appealing to outsiders. Potential applicants are attracted by a vibrant company culture.

Paying More Than Competitors or Collective Agreements

In many industries, salary significantly influences whether a candidate chooses your company. Consider whether you offer more than the industry average or collective agreement to stand out from the competition. Although salary isn’t everything, it can still be a strong motivator, especially in a competitive job market.

Trying Creative Recruiting Methods

Gamification and Competitions

Gamification is a creative approach to finding employees. For example, you can create online games or quizzes where potential applicants can test their knowledge and skills. Alternatively, you can also organize talent competitions where candidates compete for a position. Such innovative approaches increase engagement and make the recruiting experience more exciting.

Job Shadowing and Internships

Offer interested candidates the opportunity to shadow someone from your team for a day – known as job shadowing. This way, applicants get an authentic insight into the daily work life and can better decide if they fit into the team.

Additionally, internships are a great way to identify and nurture potential employees early on. Direct collaboration allows you to retain talent in the long term.

Speed Dating Interviews

An unconventional yet effective method is speed dating interviews. In these short, casual conversations, candidates can meet several team members and ask questions in a brief period. The format is efficient and gives both sides a quick impression of each other.

Welcoming Career Changers

Not everyone has a linear education, and that doesn’t have to be a disadvantage. Many excellent talents have learned their skills “on the job” and can provide valuable insights for your company. By giving career changers a chance and not overvaluing formal education, you open your doors to a wider diversity of applicants and might find exactly the employees you are looking for.

Application Process

Personalized Email Campaigns

Utilize personalized email campaigns to target candidates effectively. A custom cover letter can spark interest and significantly increase the chance of an application. Ensure that the emails don’t look like mass mailings but are truly tailored to the recipient.

Live Chats and Applicant Management Systems

With a live chat on your career page, you can provide direct support to potential applicants. Whether through a chatbot or an employee – a quick dialogue builds trust and answers important questions. Simultaneously, digital applicant management systems make it easier to keep track of applications and optimize the selection process.

Simple Application Processes

Complicated application processes can deter many qualified applicants. Ensure that the application process is simple and quick. A clearly structured process limited to a few steps, along with prompt feedback after application, is crucial for making the application process pleasant and speeding up the employee search.


To successfully find new employees, you need more than just traditional job ads. The combination of creative ideas, the use of modern technologies, and a strong company culture is the key to success. Use the methods presented here and adapt them to your company – this way, you can attract the best talent for your team.

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