
How to achieve goals: 17 powerful tips that work

How to achieve goals | gesetzte Ziele erreichen

You are wondering how to achieve goals and are looking for effective but easy-to-implement tips. You have come to the right place. We have collected 16 tips to help you get moving, stay on track and increase your chances of achieving your goals.

How to achieve goals: 17 recommendations

  1. Invest time: The more ambitious your goal is, the more commitment and time you will have to invest to achieve it. Big goals often require big efforts. It is important to realistically assess how much time you can devote to your goal on a daily or weekly basis and to block this time firmly in your calendar. Set yourself priorities and be prepared to give up other activities if necessary in order to give your goal the space it needs. Remember that success rarely comes overnight – it is the continuous, consistent work over a longer period of time that will get you to your goal.
  2. Set intermediate goals: The larger the goal, the greater the risk of being overwhelmed by its size and losing motivation. Therefore, it makes sense to break down big goals into intermediate goals. This way, you can see how you are approaching the goal step by step, and the individual steps seem more manageable than a large abstract goal.
    Zwischenziele setzen um Ziele zu erreichen
  3. Planning: How to achieve a goal if you don’t have a plan to get there. It is essential to plan how you will achieve your interim goals. Define what you need to achieve quarterly and monthly, and create specific weekly and daily tasks. This will give you structure and increase your chances of reaching your goal.
  4. Small tasks instead of oversized monster tasks: If you can’t motivate yourself for a particular task, shrink it until you have no more excuses. For example, if you need to write a 1,000-word text, just set the goal of writing 50 words. It can be done in a few minutes, and you will often find that you surpass your goal of 50 words during your mini-task.
  5. Rewards: Set rewards for achieved goals and intermediate goals that are attractive and not everyday. These rewards can serve as incentives to keep motivation high.
  6. Gamification: Use playful elements to make your project more interesting. Incorporate aspects of games into your goals, such as point systems, challenges, or rewards. This can increase motivation and make the process more enjoyable. For example, you could award points for completed tasks and accumulate them to reach certain milestones. Or you could challenge yourself to complete tasks faster or more efficiently. A playful approach can make achieving goals feel less like work and more like an exciting game.
  7. Don’t start thoughtlessly, as it can quickly lead to frustration and loss of motivation. You can best achieve goals by thoroughly planning and thinking through your project. Define the key stages and the steps to reach them. Detailed planning helps maintain an overview and stay motivated, as you clearly see how you can achieve your goal.
  8. Establish routines: Routines can be helpful when working toward a big goal. For example, reserve half an hour exclusively for your project every day. Alternatively, set the goal of completing a specific task every day, regardless of its size. These routines create continuity and increase the likelihood that you can gradually achieve your goals.
  9. Thoroughly analyze problems: When problems arise, don’t react hastily; take the time to analyze the problem. Consider various possible solutions and take the freedom to sleep on it or sort your thoughts with a half-hour walk. Sometimes, this change in perspective leads to new insights and a more informed decision-making process, bringing you closer to your goal.
  10. Allow flexibility: Clinging rigidly to plans can lead to dead ends and hinder progress. Consider plans as a guide, not a dictate. If better ways emerge, new ideas surface, or you face new challenges, be ready to incorporate them into your planning. Flexibility allows for adaptation and seizing unexpected opportunities while still moving towards your goal.
  11. Set realistic goals: Setting unrealistic goals can affect motivation in the long run, both for you and project participants. Therefore, choose goals that are challenging but achievable. Stay grounded and ensure that the goals set are ambitious yet realistic. This fosters commitment and endurance, and you will achieve your goals.
  12. Seek support: Recognize that you may not always have the time or knowledge to do everything yourself. Therefore, it is advisable to delegate or outsource certain things from time to time. This helps you make progress faster, avoid mistakes, and achieve your goals.
  13. Work with focus: When working on ambitious goals and aiming to make efficient progress, focused work is essential. Eliminate distractions like your smartphone, use noise-canceling headphones, and concentrate on your tasks. The Pomodoro Technique can help structure focused work periods with short breaks.
    Ziele erreichen mit konzentriertem Arbeiten |
  14. Personal motivation: The motivation to achieve a goal is essential and depends on the attractiveness of that goal. If the goal itself does not offer sufficient incentive, look for a connection that still drives you. This could mean learning new things during the goal attainment process or looking forward to having more time for exciting projects after achieving the goal.
  15. Public commitment: How to achieve goals even better? Share your goals with others and talk about what you want to achieve! This not only creates public pressure but can also bring you support and encouragement from others, further boosting your motivation.
  16. Mutual support: Find a sparring partner who is also working toward an ambitious goal. Arrange regular meetings or times for exchange to motivate each other and share progress. Choosing someone with similar goals intensifies mutual exchange and helps you stay on course. This way, you can more effectively achieve your goals.
  17. Celebrate progress: Not only the end goal but also intermediate steps and successes along the way should be celebrated. This strengthens motivation and self-confidence.

Book Recommendations on Achieving Goals

Book Recommendation on Goal Achievement:
“Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life” by Arnold Schwarzenegger
(Order English: Amazon & Thalia)

This book is an excellent addition when it comes to achieving goals. In “Be Useful”, Arnold Schwarzenegger shares seven key principles that have helped him reach his ambitious goals in various areas of life. With practical advice and inspiring stories from his career, the book offers concrete tools to pursue ambitious goals with determination and commitment. It is particularly helpful for anyone with big dreams looking for a structured way to make them a reality.

Book Recommendation on Focused Work:
“Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World” by Cal Newport
(Order English: Amazon & Thalia)

Cal Newport provides a clear and concise guide in “Deep Work” on how to cultivate deep and focused work in an increasingly distracting world. The book offers valuable strategies to boost productivity and fully concentrate on essential tasks. Newport shows how eliminating distractions and establishing routines can create a work environment that enables true, deep work. This book is a must for anyone looking to achieve their goals through efficient and focused work.

Book Recommendation on Routines:
“The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business” by Charles Duhigg
(Order English: Amazon & Thalia)

Charles Duhigg explains impressively in “The Power of Habit” how habits shape our lives and how we can consciously change them to become more successful. The book shows how routines are formed, how they influence our behavior, and how we can strategically use them to achieve personal and professional goals. Duhigg offers scientifically backed insights and practical tips to establish positive habits that support us in pursuing our goals more efficiently. This book is ideal for anyone who wants to understand how routines work and how to use them for personal success.

Gadgets that Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

  • Noise-Canceling Headphones: These headphones are ideal for minimizing distractions and allowing you to fully concentrate on your tasks. They offer excellent noise cancellation and superb sound quality, making them a perfect companion for focused work. We highly recommend the Sony MDR-1000X * based on our own experience.
  • Planner or Notebook: A high-quality planner helps you structure your goals and keep track of your tasks. It’s a simple yet effective tool for tracking your daily, weekly, and monthly goals. (Order: Amazon | Thalia)
  • Pomodoro Timer: A Pomodoro Timer helps you divide your work into productive intervals, followed by short breaks. This method can significantly enhance concentration and efficiency. (Order: Amazon)
  • Task-Management App: These apps allow you to organize your goals and tasks clearly, set priorities, and track your progress in real-time. They are especially useful for breaking down complex projects into smaller, manageable tasks. (e.g., Todoist, Microsoft To Do, Asana)


To successfully achieve your goals, break them down into manageable tasks and set milestones to keep you motivated. Plan your tasks quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily to provide a structured approach and increase the likelihood of success. Keep your motivation high by incorporating rewards and gamification elements to make pursuing your goals fun. Establish routines, focus on your personal motivation and publicly commit to your goals for greater accountability. Be adaptable and open to new challenges or opportunities by building flexibility into your plans. Seek support when needed through delegation, outsourcing, public commitment and peer support for a more effective goal achievement process.

Finally, how to achieve goals is always very individual. Try the different methods mentioned and find out what works best for you. We wish you the best of luck.

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