
How to Negotiate Like a Pro: 20 Tips for Achieving Your Desired Outcomes

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Negotiating properly is part of your everyday professional life and can often be challenging. Whether it’s contracts, salary negotiations or project agreements, the ability to negotiate properly and achieve the desired outcome can prove invaluable. However, getting the outcome you want in negotiations can be difficult, especially if you’re unprepared or inexperienced. Fortunately, there are strategies and techniques that can help you negotiate properly and be more successful. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 20 tips that can help you negotiate properly, negotiate successfully, and get the best possible outcome. Whether you are an experienced negotiator or a beginner, these tips can help you improve your negotiation skills and negotiate the right way.

Tip 1: Goal setting and preparation – the first step to successful negotiations

One of the most important tips for successful negotiations is clear goal setting and thorough preparation. Before you go into a negotiation, you should be clear about what your goal is and what results you want to achieve. Think about what is acceptable to you and what conditions you need to meet in order to be satisfied. The more precisely you define your goals, the easier it will be for you to work towards them in the negotiation.

Another important aspect of preparation is gathering information. The more you know about your interlocutor and his interests and needs, the better you can prepare how to achieve your goals. Also use all available information about the topic of the negotiation, e.g. laws, market conditions, the opinions of experts or the experiences of others.

It is also important to prepare for possible scenarios and develop different strategies to respond to different situations. Think in advance about the arguments you can use, how you will respond to possible objections, and what concessions you are willing to make.

In summary, thorough preparation is the key to success in negotiations. By setting clear goals, gathering information, and thinking through different scenarios, you can enter the negotiation more confidently and react better to unexpected situations. The time and effort you put into preparation usually pays off in a successful negotiation.

Tip 2: Know your conversation partner

Another important tip for successful negotiations is to get to know your counterpart as well as possible. The more you know about your counterpart, the better you can understand and respond to their interests, priorities and needs.

Before the negotiation, research as much as you can about your interviewee, e.g. his position in the company, his past successes or failures, his personality and his interests. If possible, also try to find other people who have already negotiated with him to learn more about his negotiation strategies and preferences.

During the negotiation, you should also try to understand your interlocutor’s perspective and put yourself in his shoes. Ask him specifically about his interests and needs and listen carefully to find out which arguments are important for him and which arguments could possibly convince him.

By knowing your interlocutor better, you can establish a personal relationship and build trust, which can help the negotiation be more effective and successful. By understanding their interests and needs, you can adapt your negotiation strategy accordingly and find arguments that matter to them.

Tip 3: Understand the interests of both sides

Another important tip in proper negotiation is to understand the interests of both sides. Negotiations are usually an exchange of arguments and counter-arguments, with each side trying to represent its own interests and needs. If you understand the interests of your counterpart, you can tailor your argumentation to them and create a win-win situation in which both sides are satisfied.

To understand the interests of the person you are talking to, you need to listen carefully and ask questions. Try to find out what is really important to him and what needs he has to meet. Then think about how you can meet those needs while also representing your own interests. If possible, also try to find compromises that accommodate both sides.

It is also important to consider what alternatives your interlocutor has if the negotiation fails. If he has other options that are equally or even more advantageous, he will be less willing to make concessions. Therefore, consider what your counterpart has as an alternative and how you can make your offer more attractive.

Tip 4: Create a positive atmosphere for conversation

A friendly and respectful atmosphere can help the negotiation be more effective and successful. When both sides feel comfortable and respected, they are more willing to make concessions and find a solution together.

One way to create a positive atmosphere for the conversation is to begin with a friendly greeting and initiate a pleasant small talk phase. This can help both sides feel more comfortable and able to engage in the actual negotiation.

It is also important to use appropriate body language during the negotiation. Try to maintain eye contact, smile occasionally, and avoid a defensive posture. Also pay attention to your tone and choice of words to remain respectful and professional.

Another way to create a positive conversational atmosphere is to find common interests and goals. When you discover common ground with your conversation partner, you can create common ground and work together to find a win-win solution.

Tip 5: Use questioning techniques

By asking specific questions, you can gather important information and learn more about your counterpart’s perspectives and priorities. This gives you valuable insights and allows you to adjust your negotiation strategy accordingly.

An important questioning technique is the open-ended question. Open-ended questions require more than a simple yes or no answer and encourage your interviewer to provide more detailed responses. They can also help you gain a deeper understanding of his or her perspectives and interests. Examples of open-ended questions include: “What are your priorities in this negotiation?” or “How do you see the situation?”

Another useful questioning technique is the closed question. Closed questions usually require only a short answer and can be used to elicit specific information. Examples of closed questions are: “Do you have previous experience with this product?” or “Can you tell me which is your preferred offering?”

Be sure to ask comprehension questions as well to make sure you have understood your interlocutor’s perspective correctly. Repeat his statements in your own words and ask him if you have understood him correctly. This shows your interlocutor that you have listened carefully and want to understand his or her perspective.

Tip 6: Listen actively

Active listening means not only hearing the words of the person you are talking to, but also understanding their perspective and needs. By actively listening, you can gather valuable information and better understand the interests of your conversation partner.

To listen actively, you should focus on the conversation and avoid distractions. Pay attention to what the other person is saying and try to listen to their body language and tone of voice. Ask comprehension questions and repeat what he or she says in your own words to make sure you understand.

It is also important not only to listen passively during the conversation, but also to give feedback. Show your conversation partner that you have listened carefully by summarizing what they have said or responding to their arguments. This can help create a positive atmosphere for the conversation and strengthen the trust between the two of you.

Active listening also helps you avoid misunderstandings and communication problems. By making sure that you have correctly understood the perspective of the person you are talking to, you can avoid misunderstandings and conflicts and make the negotiation more effective.

Tip 7: Master body language

Body language can often be just as important as the spoken word and can help build trust between negotiators and create a positive conversational atmosphere.

Open and positive body language can help build trust between negotiators. An upright posture and direct eye contact can show that you are confident and engaged. A smile or occasional gesture can also help create a positive atmosphere.

It’s also important to pay attention to the body language of the person you’re talking to. His body language can give you clues about how he is feeling and how he is responding to your arguments. Pay attention to his posture, gestures, and eye movements to understand how he is feeling.

However, defensive or dismissive body language can affect trust between negotiators. Avoid folding your arms in front of your chest or leaning back in your chair, as this can be interpreted as rejection from your counterpart. Also, be careful not to gesture or show too much body movement, as this can be interpreted as uneasiness or uncertainty.

Tip 8: Use humor and positive language

A positive and humorous atmosphere can help ease tensions and create a relaxed negotiation environment.

Humor can also help to build a positive relationship between the negotiating partners and strengthen trust. You can break the ice and lighten the mood with a humorous remark or a little anecdote. However, it is important to make sure that the humor is appropriate and respectful and not perceived as inappropriate or offensive.

Positive language can also help create a positive atmosphere. By using positive and uplifting words, you can strengthen trust between negotiators and increase motivation. However, avoid using negative or derogatory words, as they may provoke a defensive reaction from your counterpart and affect the outcome of the negotiation.

However, it is important to be careful that humor and positive language are not used to avoid important issues or minimize the seriousness of the negotiation. Humor and positive language should be used as tools to create a positive and relaxed atmosphere while respectfully and professionally addressing the main issues and goals of the negotiation.

Tip 9: Be flexible and open to compromise

Negotiations often require a certain flexibility and openness to reach a mutually acceptable solution.

By being open to compromise, you show your negotiator that you are willing to make concessions and find a solution that is acceptable to both parties. This can help create a positive atmosphere for the conversation and make the negotiation more effective.

It is also important to be flexible and consider alternative options. If a particular solution or approach doesn’t work, you should be willing to consider other options and find alternative ways to find a solution.

However, you should also be careful not to make too many concessions or lose sight of your goals. By setting clear boundaries and keeping your priorities in mind, you can ensure that you reach a solution that is acceptable to you.

Tip 10: Set priorities

Another important tip for successful negotiations is to set clear priorities. By setting your priorities in advance, you can ensure that you focus on what’s important in the negotiation and keep your goals in mind.

It is important to plan and organize your priorities in advance. Think about what is most important to you and what aspects of the negotiation are critical to you. By keeping these priorities in mind, you can ensure that you focus on the most important aspects and avoid unnecessary distractions.

It can also be helpful to share your priorities with your interlocutor and explain why they are important to you. This can help create common ground and find a solution that is acceptable to both parties.

Tip 11: Create win-win situations

A win-win situation means that both sides benefit from the negotiation and in the end a mutually acceptable solution is found.

By striving for a win-win situation, you show your conversation partner that you not only have your own interests in mind, but that you are also willing to compromise and find a solution that is mutually beneficial.

It is important to communicate openly and honestly and to find common interests and goals. By seeking a solution that is acceptable to both sides, you can create a positive atmosphere for discussion and strengthen trust between the negotiating parties.

However, you should also be careful not to make too many concessions or lose sight of your own goals. It is important to set clear boundaries and keep your priorities in mind to ensure that you reach a solution that is acceptable to you.

Tip 12: Negotiate with the right person

It’s important to make sure you’re negotiating with the person who can actually make decisions.

By negotiating with the right person, you can ensure that your message and arguments are heard and that the negotiation is more effective and faster.

It is also important to research in advance and find out who is making the decisions and who has the power to achieve your goals. By planning and preparing in advance, you can ensure that you are negotiating with the right person and achieving your goals.

Tip 13: Pay attention to timing and urgency

Often the timing and urgency of the negotiation can have a big impact on the outcome of the negotiation.

It is important to choose the right time for the negotiation and to ensure that all parties involved have time and energy to prepare for the negotiation. A negotiation that takes place at an inopportune time can lead to important points being overlooked or to the negotiation dragging on unnecessarily.

The urgency of the negotiation can also have an impact on the outcome of the negotiation. If a negotiation is urgent and a quick decision needs to be made, this can lead to the need to make quick compromises. It is important to act quickly and set clear priorities in these cases in order to find a mutually acceptable solution.

Tip 14: Use argumentation techniques

By presenting clear and convincing arguments, you can strengthen your position and achieve your goals.

It is important to plan and organize your arguments in advance and make sure they are based on facts and clear information. By also considering the arguments of your interlocutor, you can build an effective argument and find a mutually acceptable solution.

Argumentation techniques include, for example, pointing out common ground, emphasizing advantages, and presenting clear facts and figures. By using these techniques, you can build a convincing argument and strengthen your position.

Tip 15: Avoid killer phrases and other mistakes

Killer phrases are statements or remarks that attack or offend the interlocutor and can negatively impact the negotiation.

It is important to remain respectful and professional and avoid negative remarks or attacks. Also avoid excessive self-praise or arrogance, as this can make your interlocutor find the negotiation unpleasant.

Also, be sure to keep your communication clear and concise and avoid misunderstandings. Misunderstandings can cause the negotiation to be unnecessarily drawn out and important issues to be overlooked.

Tip 16: Know your own strengths and weaknesses

By knowing your strengths and weaknesses, you can strengthen your position and pursue your goals more effectively.

It is important to be honest with yourself and accept your own abilities and limitations. When you know your weaknesses, you can work to improve or compensate for them. When you know your strengths, you can use them to strengthen your position.

It can also be helpful to seek and accept feedback from others to better understand your own strengths and weaknesses. By accepting feedback and working on your personal development, you can improve your negotiation skills and be more successful in negotiations.

Tip 17: Keep the big picture in mind

Negotiations often focus on specific issues or problems, but it is important to keep the overall situation in mind and ensure that the results of the negotiations are sustainable in the long term.

By keeping the big picture in mind, you can ensure that your negotiation results will last in the long run and that your goals are not achieved at the expense of others. It is important to strive for a win-win situation and ensure that both sides benefit from the negotiation.

Factors you should consider include the impact of the negotiation on the relationship between the negotiating parties, on the employees involved, or on the overall business strategy. By keeping the big picture in mind, you can ensure that your negotiation results are positive in the long run and that you build a sustainable and successful business relationship.

Tip 18: Negotiate at eye level – the key to negotiating successfully

Another important tip for successful negotiations is to negotiate at eye level. By considering and respecting your counterpart as an equal partner, you can create a positive atmosphere and strengthen the trust between the negotiating parties.

It is important to maintain a respectful and professional attitude and make sure that you do not pressure or threaten your interlocutor. Also, avoid exaggerated demands or threats, as this can make your interlocutor find the negotiation unpleasant.

By negotiating at eye level, you can ensure that both sides are on equal footing and that a win-win situation is being sought. It is also important to be honest and transparent and to find common interests and goals in order to have a successful negotiation.

Tip 19: Stick to agreements

Negotiating properly also means keeping your promises and sticking to agreements. In this way, you can strengthen the trust between the negotiating partners and build long-term business relationships.

It is important to put agreements in writing and ensure that both sides understand and accept them. If circumstances change or unforeseen problems arise, it is important to communicate openly and honestly and to look for solutions together.

By sticking to agreements, you show your interviewer that you are trustworthy and reliable and that you are looking for a long-term business relationship.

Tip 20: Reflect and learn from experience

A final tip for successful negotiation is to learn from experience and continuously improve. By reflecting and analyzing your experiences, you can improve your negotiation skills and negotiate more successfully.

It is important to regularly seek feedback from others and critically examine your own negotiations. By continually educating yourself and learning new techniques and strategies, you can improve your negotiation skills and be successful in the long run.

It is also important to view mistakes and failures as opportunities to improve and learn from them. By reflecting and analyzing your experiences, you can better respond to similar situations in the future and have more successful negotiations.

Book tips: How to negotiate


In this article, we have presented 20 tips to successfully conduct negotiations. From goal setting and preparation, to understanding the interests of both sides, to using argumentation techniques and humor, these tips can help you improve your negotiation skills and have more successful negotiations.

How to negotiate is a skill that anyone can learn and improve. By applying these tips and reflecting on your experiences, you can improve your negotiation skills and be successful in the long run.

We encourage you to try these tips and provide feedback. Negotiating properly is an important skill in many areas of life, whether it’s your job or personal relationships. The better you can negotiate, the more successful you will be.

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